
City of Northlake Sued …Again!

Seems that the City of Northlake is being sued again. How is it that this city keeps getting sued? Chief Dennis Koletsos and the Northlake Police Department have been sued how many times?? Unreal.Bar owner sues city, officials August 13, 2008By MARK LAWTON A Northlake bar owner and his father are suing the City of Northlake, the mayor, police chief and city attorney. David Catalano, owner of 144 East, and his father, Robert Catalano, who has invested in the business, filed three lawsuits in Cook County Circuit Court July 18. The owners of the 144 East have filed three lawsuits against the mayor of Northlake …Read more […..]

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Late Night Dancing Queen!

Lat night we were at a wedding reception and Emma was a dancing machine! She was with alol the familiar relatives and was passed around among all the women and girls…. She also picked out some women that she never met to dance with her. She sat with Italian women that spoke very little English and saw her favorite, Jella.We didn’t leave until 12. Since she didn’t eat much–she never eats much at parties– she requested chicken while we were driving. Since McD’s was closed we went to BK and they have chicken fries, Emma’s favorite! She ate on the way home and didn’t get to sleep until 1am. As expected, she slept past 10 this …Read more […..]

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Police Officer Suicide: How to cope, how to heal

Practical Police Psychologywith Dr. Laurence Miller Q: The recent suicide of Lt. Derrick Norfleet of the Oakland Police Department has left the local law enforcement community in shock. This kind of event also reverberates with police departments across the country. How does a law enforcement agency deal with this kind of tragedy? What can we do honor our colleague and recover as a department? A: You took the first step – you asked the question. There are no easy answers, but there are some answers. In an earlier column, I dealt extensively with what fellow officers can do to help prevent or stop the suicide of one of …Read more […..]

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Another Koletsos on Board?

The following was taken from the City of Northlake Website, Council minutes: Alderman Patti made a motion to approve an internship with the Police Department to Megan Koletsos; seconded by Alderman Delgado. Alderman Straube called for the roll. Now, I have never met this woman and I have nothing against her. I am assuming this is the daughter of the great and honorable Chief Dennis Koletsos. Lets hope that the apple fell far, far from the tree! Hmmm, better keep a certain Sgt. away from her!!

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Questionable justice

Lost in the media hype the last few weeks over some of the more idiotic and nonsensical issues such as the recent birth of Brad and Angie’s twins or the hoopla over the Reverend Jesse Jackson’s suggested castration of Sen. Barack Obama was another news story that didn’t quite get the coverage that the above two matters received. Jimmy Lee Smith, one of the “Onion Field” murderers died while being held at a California detention center on a parole violation. Smith was 76. For those younger cops out there who have never heard of the infamous Onion Field case or may not know all the details, let …Read more […..]

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PooPeeDoo!! Party, Party!

So, the other day Emma was starting to take a nap with Mama when she decided to stick her hand into the back of her diaper. She woke up Melissa saying, “Poopie on hand.” Turns out the stinker had gotten some on her hand and wiped it on the wall. She talked about the experience for several day afterward. LoL, too funny!So this past weekend featured several parties, one on Friday and one on Sunday. Both parties were with our “new” family. First off, I have to say that the kindness, acceptance, and open arms that we have received from everyone has been truly unbelievable. I feel blessed to know that we have so many kind relatives.Emma …Read more […..]

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Chicago cop in Iowa prison while drunk is on the loose

John Kass August 3, 2008 Chicago Police Supt. Jody Weis and Cook County State’s Atty. Dick Devine have asked Iowa Gov. Chet Culver for justice in the case of Chicago cop Mike Mette.”It just seems that it’s a miscarriage of justice,” Weis told me late last week after writing a letter to Culver. “I just want the governor to take a look at the case and maybe he’ll see the same things we saw. I just don’t think justice was served. The punishment doesn’t fit the crime.”If there was a crime.It doesn’t seem that it was a crime. Not in America. Maybe in some other country, but not here. When someone attacks you, you have the right …Read more […..]

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