
Is Press Coverage Fair?

There was an officer involved shooting in my Town. The man who was shot was an illegal immigrant with a rap sheet and a permanent restraining order from the mother of his two children. She was in the car with him at the time of the shooting, has already hired a lawyer (2 days after the shooting,) and is demanding justice because he was a “good” man.I skipped all those facts in this essay because I hoped the media would print it if I did. They refused, arguing that they’re being responsible by not printing anything that could affect the outcome of an investigation or trial. They could be responsible by printing both sides, inflammatory …Read more […..]

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Goofy Police Memos

On the right hand side of the home page there is a section called Goofy Police Memos. I found an old briefcase as I was cleaning the garage and found some interesting memos from my days at Northlake PD. I have several other cases somewhere in the house and will check those for more. Submissions are welcome. If you have a goofy memo that you would like to submit you can contact me at All correspondence will remain confidential.

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"The Witch" is back again!

Over 3 months have went by since Emma saw the witch at Disney World’s live show at the Disney castle. She stopped mentioning the witch about a month ago, seemingly over the trauma and fear that the experienced had caused. Boy, was I wrong!That experience was just hiding underneath the surface waiting for a chance to raise it’s head again!A few days ago, we were all watching TV and playing as I began to surf the channels. I came across a famous movie that most of us grew up with and enjoy. The Wizard of Oz had just started and I didn’t think twice about checking it out. Emma really got into it. She loved the little dog Toto …Read more […..]

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Just another 1/2 hour, To nap or not to nap?

Sleep…. Essential for us all. There are many guidelines and recommendations for the amount of sleep that we need. Everybody is different so variations are subjective. This applies to children also. I have read many articles on this issue and we have talked to many people regarding how much sleep our 2 year old should get and whether she should still take naps. Just like the current political landscape, everyone has their opinion. Just like today, I often find myself thinking that I hope she sleeps another 1/2 hour so I can finish what I am doing. Although this sometimes makes me feel guilty I know that I won’t get as much …Read more […..]

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She did it!

For the last month or so Emma has not been able to climb up the car slides at the mall play area. She always wanted my help and would say, “I can’t do it” when I would encourage her to try. I have told her that she needed to crawl up, etc but she just got ad and frustrated after giving a half-hearted try.Today, however, was a different story. While I was not paying attention, ahem, she proceeded to start crawling up the purple car slide. I watched out of the corner of my eye and when she got 2/3 up I praised her and said, “See you did it, I told you you could do it!” She got to the top and said, “I did it.” She was very proud …Read more […..]

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Is there a difference between Quotas and "Productivity Standards?"

Police practice: productivity analysis for basic police patrol activitiesFBI Law Enforcement Bulletin,The, May, 2005 by Roy H. Herndon, IIIE-mail Print Link Law enforcement officers prove valuable to their communities in a variety of ways, not all of which can be measured easily. To this end, agencies often struggle to find methods to fairly evaluate their personnel. Departments must give factors, such as officer competence and courtesy, appropriate weight. Managers need to value the quality of the tasks performed and not focus only on the quantity.However, fully and accurately evaluating personnel does require a fair measurement …Read more […..]

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Play with Kids! Drive the Yellow Car!

Emma has started to really like to play with the kids at the mall. She loves running laps for awhile before crawling through the tunnel, standing on the butterfly, and going in the red boat. Her favorite thing to do is to sit in the yellow car. She likes to steer the wheel and bounce(Bunce) on the seat. She gets along with the kids very well and “Plays nice.”

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