
10 tips for officers engaged in off-duty incidents

In the wake of last year’s Salt Lake City mall shooting incident involving an off-duty Ogden City Police officer, I spoke with one of our police academy recruit classes. As typical the almost 40 newly minted “blue shirts” were eager to embark on their law enforcement careers and make a difference. They were eager to get involved and for most of them, that included the notion of off-duty action to protect and serve.This diverse group of budding law enforcers and I talked about off-duty involvements and some of the considerations they should ponder when they get settled in an agency. Shootings of plain clothed …Read more […..]

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Is Franklin Park PD as bad as Northlake?

Based on what I have heard, Franklin Park is as bad or worse, if you can believe it, than Northlake PD. Sounds like there is just as much favoritism, high ethics, and professionalism as there is at Northlake. Seems hard to believe but I guess anything is possible…

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Can You believe this guy??

DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. – An internal affairs report says a Daytona Beach police officer demanded free coffee and tea from a Starbucks and threatened employees with slower emergency response times if they refused. Lt. Major Garvin, a 15-year veteran, was fired July 8. According to the Daytona Beach News-Journal, Chief Mike Chitwood says Garvin recently failed a polygraph test that he insisted on taking.The coffeehouse’s employees claim that since June 2007, Garvin had visited the store as many as six times a night while on duty. Besides demanding free drinks, workers complained that Garvin also cut in front of paying customers.A …Read more […..]

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Cool Emma in Sunglasses, Lovely!

Emma learned a new word recently from her Nonnie. She likes to say “Lovely” now. I think she looks pretty lovely!!

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Dallas officer's killer sentenced to death

DALLAS — Convicted capital murderer Wesley Lynn Ruiz was sentenced to death by injection late Friday for fatally shooting a Dallas police officer. The Dallas County jury deliberated for more than 10 hours before sentencing him in the killing of Senior Cpl. Mark Nix.As the verdict was read, Mr. Ruiz’s mother, Barbara Ruiz, sobbed into a crumbled tissue and turned to her mother for comfort.Mr. Ruiz, 28, fatally shot Cpl. Nix after a high-speed chase in 2007. Mr. Ruiz testified last month during the guilt-innocence phase of the trial that he thought police were shooting at the car in which he was hiding. The jury did not …Read more […..]

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Emma's New Bathtub Hairdo

Emma having fun in the tub!

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This Town Never Changes

While driving through the wonderful town of Northlake, Illinois I saw this sign and had to take a picture.This is the same town that has the same little mayor, Jeffrey T. Sherwin, who hired and has stuck by, almost literally, his guy Dennis Koletsos, the little(and in my opinion, the arrogant & incompetent) Chief of Police. Looks like some things never change here. It is just unbelievable. To the friends that are left there, God bless you!In fairness, a short time after posting this I was informed by a reliable source that the city is correct on this one. Either way, the city always has controversy in some fashion. …Read more […..]

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