
Driver training and the typical police agency

Police Driving:Safety Behind the Wheelwith Capt. Travis Yates It has been five months since an Illinois State Trooper lost control of his vehicle responding to a vehicle collision, struck a car and killed two sisters. Eighteen year-old Jessica Uhl and thirteen year-old Kelli Uhl died instantly. [Read more] The subsequent investigation revealed that Trooper Mitchell was traveling 126 mph and had been involved in previous collisions with the Illinois State Police. There has been a heavy price paid by the victims, their family, Trooper Mitchell and the Illinois State Police. The Trooper has been charged with reckless homicide …Read more […..]

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The 11 components of proper police fitness

By Inspector Kelly KeithPoliceOne Guest Columnist Atlantic Police Academy Suspect: Male, 6’2”, 250 lbs, large build Police Officer: Female, 5’7”, 120 lbs, slender build If the suspect attacks the police officer, what factors determine who wins this altercation? • Spontaneous Attack • Weapon Readiness • Winning Mindset • Number of Officers • Tactics • Fitness • Strength • Fighting Ability – Control TacticsHow can we best train police officers in fitness and strength, which will ultimately enhance fighting ability/control tactics? If the above-mentioned …Read more […..]

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New Vids Added, Wis Dells, New Words & Sayings, Favorite Movie

New vids have been added at top of 1st page. Some browsers have trouble viewing for some reason but I have found that Internet Explorer 7 and Firefox browsers work for me. We had a recent trip to the Wisconsin Dells. Emma got to hang out with her buddyAlesha as well as Alesha’s big sister Brittany. Emma enjoyed the waterparks but was a bit overwhelmed by all the wild kids splashing and the noise. We went to a quiet area and Emma was right at home going in and out of the water. I took several vids on my cell phone and uploaded them to this site. Emma has been picking up all of our sayings and is surprising us at random times …Read more […..]

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Austin officers show support at killer's hearing

The Austin police officers, each wearing suits and lapel pins replicating their badges, walked single file into the John Minor Wisdom U.S. Court of Appeals Building and took their seats, filling half a courtroom. The somber crowd included about 25 officers from nearly all ranks, some with only a few years on the force and one with almost four decades. Most had come for one purpose: to hear why the man who killed a fellow Austin officer 30 years ago should be spared execution. “This shows we still are a family,” said officer Ruth Bullock, who scanned the crowd before walking from a nearby hotel to the courthouse. “It doesn’t …Read more […..]

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Ambush! Don't let your car become your coffin

By John Farnam In the days of black powder and muzzle-loaders, soldiers referred to a surprise volley of musket fire, usually erupting from a tree line, as an “ambuscade,” from the Old High German word for forest, “busc.” You know it as an ambush. By any terminology, it’s a hellish form of attack, with intended assassins lying in wait for their quarry to blunder unaware into a prearranged kill-zone. Unfortunately, today’s law officers know this adversary tactic all too well, from bloody experience. Officers have been ambushed in patrol cars as they worked on reports or as they drove on their beats or …Read more […..]

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Can You Believe This?

My name is Mary Thompson and my husband, Richard, is the Chief of Police here in Crawford, Nebraska.He’s also a father — and grandfather — who could be sent to prison for five years.All for defending himself in the line of duty against an armed and dangerous suspect!For the past seven years Richard has been the Chief of Police here in Crawford.I am worried — worried that my husband will be locked away in prison with cop-hating criminals just for doing his job!Richard was on duty when he heard thata man by the name of Jesse Britton was wanted in connection with a string of burglaries in the area.Britton had a long …Read more […..]

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Dealing with mentally ill citizens on patrol

Anxiety and Mood DisordersFor most people, our normal mood is neither especially happy or sad, angry or loving, agitated or calm, but just a steady sense of what I call provisional well-being: the overall feeling that everything right now is basically okay. It’s like the feeling between meals when we’re neither hungry nor full, when in fact, we’re too preoccupied with what we’re presently doing to pay conscious attention to our digestive – or emotional – states at all. All healthy people show a range of moods, getting periodically happier, sadder, angrier, calmer and so on, in response …Read more […..]

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