
Survival gems from the ILEETA gold mine

P1 Exclusive: Survival gems from the ILEETA gold mine Nuggets mined from the rich training lode at the recent annual conference of the International Law Enforcement Educators & Trainers Assn. (ILEETA): Deadly trends. More than 18,300 LEOs have been killed since the first line-of-duty death was recorded in the U.S. in 1792, and these deaths have spanned every hour of the day and every day of the week. During the last 10 years, though, more officers have been feloniously slain on Fridays, the least on Sundays, and more have been murdered between 8 pm and 10 pm than in any other two-hour period. Last year, domestics and traffic …Read more […..]

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The New Face of Fatherhood, Mama's Home,Helicopter!

I was reading the June issue of PARENTS magazine and came across a very interesting article titled The New Face of Fatherhood. It is a great article describing the 21st-century father, a guy who proudly wears spit-up on his shoulder as a battle scar, not an embarrassing stain. The article describes how today’s father is much more involved with the care and activities of his children, especially when compared to the fathers of 30 years ago. Though their numbers are small, more guys than ever are scaling back on work or quitting altogether to help raise a family.The fathers of 30 years ago spent an average of 2.6 hours a week …Read more […..]

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The Thin Blue Line

They call it the thin blue line, the line between order and chaos. As we observe National Police Week, it is proper to reflect on those who no longer stand among us on the thin blue line. I’m sure every one of us knows at least one of the names carved on those honored stones that edge the walkway “amongst the lions” at the National Police Memorial in D.C. More importantly, we knew the proud officers who bore those names and paid the ultimate price while carrying out their oath to protect and serve. While we hold those heroes up to God, we must also remember the families and friends they left behind. It is …Read more […..]

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Man bragged about shooting Conn. cop

HARTFORD, CT – A 23-year-old convicted felon accused of firing one shot at a Hartford police officer outside a home on Madison Street early Sunday morning confessed immediately after he was caught, police reports show.Police say Frankie Vega told them: “If I could shoot straight, right now one of you [expletive] would be dead and I’d be happy.” Details of Vega’s confession were contained in a Hartford police arrest report that was released Monday after his arraignment in Superior Court in Hartford.Judge Carl Taylor said he found probable cause to proceed with charges of criminal attempt to commit …Read more […..]

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New Video Bar Just Added

More will be added. Some came from my cell phone and that is why quality is not as good. Her age range is from about 10 months until just recently.If video does not work or you get Video No Longer Available Message try this: You either have JavaScript turned off or an old version of Macromedia’s Flash Player. Get the latest Flash player.To find out how to enable JavaScript, check your browser. Also, Videos work in Internet Explorer Version 7.0.

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Video Bar Coming Soon

I will be adding a video bar that will include numerous video clips of our cutie pie! It will be at the top of the page replacing the 2 videos that are there now.Very cute clips! Stay tuned!

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You would appreciate this

You wonder why he pulled you over and gave you a ticket for speeding, He just worked an accident where people died because they were going too fast.You wonder why that cop was so mean, He just got done working a case where a drunk driver killed a kid.You work for 8 hours, He works for up to 18 hoursYou drink hot coffee to stay awake, The cold rain in the middle of the night keeps him awake.You complain of a ‘headache’, and call in sick, He goes into work still hurt and sore from the guy he had to fight the night before.You drink your coffee on your way to the mall, He spills his as he runs code to a traffic crash with …Read more […..]

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