
When you say, 'Let me see your hands!' are you ready for what might appear?

By Officer Pete AssenmacherConsider this scenario: While on routine patrol, an officer observed a car circling a clothing store around closing time. In preceding weeks, there had been two robberies of similar stores in the area. The officer stopped the suspicious car for an equipment violation and found two males in the front seat. The officer, who has approached from the passenger side, takes note of the fact that the driver keeps trying to put his hands between his legs during the initial contact. He has to repeatedly order him to stop doing so. A back-up officer arrives to assist and approaches the stopped driver who he …Read more […..]

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Sarah&Josh, Hi5 Stickers, Buckle, GabGab, Mini Waffles,

Well, looks like we brought the nice weather back from Florida. The last couple days have been really nice. We took Emma to the park on Sunday and it is amazing the difference in her from the last time we were there in October.Looking at her in the child swing is like looking at a totally new child! She is so much bigger now! She likes to go “High” now too. She met another little girl who was there. Her new friend Sarah is 4 years old and a bit shy. Little newly “bossy” Emma talked to her for awhile then gave her a hug. That broke the ice for Sarah. Emma then grabbed her hand and off they went to the slides and ladders. Of …Read more […..]

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The Benefits of an Employee Survey

Many companies use employee surveys to guage how the employees feel about their jobs and their company. The majority of Fortune 500 companies use them as a tool to improve the effectiveness of the organization. While working at Northlake PD I observed the morale of the organization and the majority of the workers sink to a level that was the lowest in my 13 years there. To be sure, there were always unsettling dilemmas for employees and someone was always complaining about something–mostly very trivial things. Prior to chief Dennis Koletsos being hired in 1998, the turnover at the department was very low, mainly due to retirements. …Read more […..]

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Patrol psychology 101

Practical Police Psychologywith Dr. Laurence Miller When most citizens think of police officers, they think of the beat cop, and indeed, the police patrol function continues to be the backbone of community law enforcement. This seemingly simple police activity is really composed of a variety of complex daily decisions and activities which include the discretionary use of authority and prevention of criminal activity by an assertive police presence.It also involves maintaining good relations with citizens in the community, because, like it or not, cops may at times have to depend on those citizens to help them do their jobs …Read more […..]

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3 Chicago police officers indicted. What do you think?

Cops accused of lying under oath about arrestsBy David Heinzmann | Tribune reporter 11:06 PM CDT, April 15, 2008 Three Chicago police officers have been indicted on multiple charges stemming from cases in which authorities accused them of lying about arrests they made, prosecutors said Tuesday.The charges have been approved against John Haleas, a Grand-Central District officer accused of falsifying information in drunken driving arrests, and Officers Michael Bernichio and Daniel Murphy, who were accused of writing up identical drug arrest reports against two men and then picking which one to charge.Haleas had previously been …Read more […..]

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Parents Fight Over Which Gang Toddler Should Join

Joseph Manzanares was charged with disorderly conduct, harassment and domestic violence for a fight with his girlfriend inside a Hollywood video store. Parents Fight Over Which Gang Toddler Should JoinPolice: Mother A Crip, Father A Westside BallerCOMMERCE CITY, Colo. — A couple fighting about which gang their 4-year-old toddler should join caused a public disturbance that resulted in the father’s arrest, Commerce City police said Thursday.On Saturday, Joseph Manzanares stormed into the Hollywood Video store where his girlfriend worked, threatened to kill her and knocked over several video displays and even a computer, Commerce …Read more […..]

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Orlando Trip, Fifi & Lala, Mickey & Minnie! The Witch!

We have been away for a bit on a trip to Orlando, Florida. The primary reason for the trip was for Melissa’s convention. Dada and Emma tagged along, along with Nonnie for assistance. Now, the choice was for Melissa to go on her own with the consequence being Emma not seeing her Mama for a week. With recent experiences of Emma being away from Melissa for 2 or 3 nights and the consequences of such, we decided that Dada and Nonnie would tag along. Daddy was able to re-arrange his schedule and off we went!Emma was able to see her cousin Lala(Lauren) and her auntie FiFi(Krissy). She last saw Lala at Christmas 2007. She last saw …Read more […..]

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