
Controversial site raises officer safety concerns, infuriates cops

SAN FRANCISCO — A controversial new Web site has surfaced that has officers fuming over privacy, fairness and officer safety concerns. According to the vice president of, the San Francisco-based site was allegedly launched on the premise of “[breaking] the stereotype that people have that all cops are bad by having police officers become responsible for their actions.” Although led by a fleeting suggestion that visitors might use the site to praise officers, the remainder of the solicitation for comments bears a distinctly adversarial tone clearly designed to entice visitors to takes “shots” …Read more […..]

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Hotten! Kitty! Granny Walk, Look at Me! Buddy!

We all know that women love chocolate. Heck, I love chocolate! Well, Emma is no exception. Now, we aren’t the kind of people that eat many sweets as it is but we do treat ourselves to some as well as Emma once in a while. She loves M&Ms and anything with chocolate. She has come up with her own name for chocolate, where I have no idea. She calls chocolate Hotten. Yes, she asks for hotten at all times during the day now. I give her Special K breakfast bars in assorted flavors. Her favorite flavor is the chocolate drizzle. She likes to eat the hotten off first. Her favorite treat though, is Kitty! There are Hello Kitty brand …Read more […..]

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"No one takes food off my plate!!!"

A quick story about a meeting I had a while back with the Chief of Police of Northlake. Yes, the guy in the video posted on the bottom of this page regarding the American flag.The background behind it is this. I became FOP(Union) President due to what I felt as improper treatment of employees and violations of the Labor Contract. I began to file grievances on behalf of other officers. There were also many rumors going around the department regarding the chief’s past employment. One of them was that he was “fired” from his previous employer, Grayslake PD, for exactly the same type of reasons. I sent an email to Grayslake requesting …Read more […..]

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The Mall, Pretty, Family & Sacrifice

Today we went to the mall. Emma loves going to the mall to see the water fountains and the decor that hangs from the ceiling. Her newest favorite word is “pretty.” Everything that she likes is pretty and the water fountain is no exception. So are the big butterflies that are hanging from the mall ceiling. Oh, and the Easter Bunny is there too and she went crazy! It started to wave at her and she waved back and started saying, “Emma! Emma!” which meant that she wanted to go by it. I did not dare have her sit on its lap for a picture without Mama being present, however, as mama had warned me not to do so with Santa…LOLShe played …Read more […..]

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IS THIS UNREAL OR WHAT?? WHAT DO YOU THINK??**CLICK TITLE TO VIEW THE VIDEO**Cop has to pay $18,000 for arresting firefighter trying to help an accident victim02-14-2008 HazelwoodA police officer in Hazelwood will have to pay $18,000 dollars for getting into it with a firefighter while he was trying to help an accident victim.His attorney says he’s disappointed and that his client’s conduct was not malicious in any way. Police dash cam video shows the Hazelwood police officer arresting a fire captain while he’s trying to move an injured driver. It happened on Interstate 270 back in May of 2003. Officer Todd Greeves wanted a …Read more […..]

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Wolves at the Door/Thank You Sheepdogs

This letter was written by Charles Grennel and his comrades, veterans of the Global War on Terror. Grennel is an Army Reservist who spent two years in Iraq and was a principal in putting together the first Iraq elections in January 2005. It was written to Jill Edwards, student at the University of Washington , who did not want to honor Medal of Honor winner USMC Colonel Greg Boyington. Ms. Edwards and other students and faculty do not think those who serve in the U.S. Armed Services are good role models.To: Jill Edwards, Student, University of WashingtonSubject: Sheep, Wolves and SheepdogsMiss Edwards, I read of your student …Read more […..]

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Ready, Go! Hello, Bye! Dancing Queen, Write to Blog?

Melissa is out of town and Emma finally went to sleep. A looooong day indeed! Am I the only spouse who absolutely hates when the other spouse goes out of town for work??Emma likes to say, “Ready….go!” Nonnie taught her this and it is very cute!She also likes to pick up her play telephone and say, “Hello” and when I repeat it she then says, “Bye” and hangs up. Too funny!!Her dancing is getting faster now. She spins round and round and round at an even faster pace. I can’t keep up with her for very long as I get dizzy. Nonnie can’t either. LOL. Emma likes to pose like a Ballerina now. She stands with one hand on a chair then …Read more […..]

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