
"Are You Ready For a Challenge?"

As a former employee of this “Fine” organization, I will only say that it is amazing what Hollywood effects can do to make something look so good. I am talking about the recruitment video for the Northlake, Illinois Police Department. (Click this post’s title to view it.) It is amazing that more than half of the officers that are shown in the video no longer work there, primarily due to the working conditions. Several have pending lawsuits against that very fine city. Management is severely anti-union. As someone so elegantly stated in a comment posted on a previous post, the turnover rate at this department is through the …Read more […..]

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Poppadee, Colors, Cousin Taylor

The last two days Emma has been saying a new word that we have no idea where she learned it from. Nonnie attached 4 straws together then attached them to part of a baster. Emma has been walking around with it and tapping it on the floor while saying, “Poppadee…Poppadee.” It is hilarious! Amazing how she is coming up with words on her own. She says “Me” and “Mine” and knows and says her colors, purple(her favorite, blue, yellow, red, green, and orange. She really loves to color and says “color” whenever she wants to.She is a little smarty–I know all parents say that but she really is!Her 5 yr old cousin Taylor stayed here …Read more […..]

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New study may “radically alter” how police deadly force is viewed

Part 1 of a 2-part series from Force Science News The story is a frequent staple of the evening news. An officer shoots and kills a minority subject who turns out to be unarmed. Protests explode, and the familiar litany is again asserted: Racial bias by the cops underlies many of these inflammatory events. Now a new study by a member of the Force Science Research Center’s national advisory board confirms what law enforcement officials have argued all along: Such controversial shootings aren’t about race. What really prompts an officer to pull the trigger in circumstances that are rapidly evolving and uncertain …Read more […..]

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PoliceOne Exclusive: How we die — the untold story

Police Driving:Safety Behind the Wheelwith Capt. Travis Yates PoliceOne Exclusive: How we die — the untold storyHow do law enforcement officers die? Most of you are probably thinking you know. Unless you’ve been sleeping for the last decade, you’ve heard it. We’ve all heard it: guns and cars, with collisions leading the way for the past several years. I fear that we have somehow minimized these collisions by calling them “accidents” and throwing our hands in the air as if we can’t do anything. Whatever we are doing, it’s not working. More officers died in 2007 in vehicle …Read more […..]

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Hallandale to pay to settle one of two former police officers' lawsuits

By John Holland | South Florida Sun-Sentinel January 28, 2008 HALLANDALE BEACH – City commissioners have agreed to pay more than $100,000 to settle a lawsuit alleging Police Chief Thomas Magill falsified evidence, a city board held an illegal meeting and detectives persuaded a felon to lie under oath about a fellow officer.Mayor Joe Cooper and attorney Alberto Milian, who represents former Hallandale Beach Police Officer Talous Cirilo, confirmed the city’s settlement with Cirilo but would not comment further, citing a confidentiality agreement. However, Cooper said the payment was more than $100,000, including attorney fees.”I’d …Read more […..]

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Same Chief That Removed the Flag?

Former officer sues Northlake, police chiefWednesday, May 03, 2006 | 7:01 PM By Chuck GoudieMay 3, 2006 — Strippers on a golf course, some suburban police and the Chicago mob. They all come together in an unusual lawsuit that is the subject of this Intelligence Report. The case follows an I-Team report from 2002. Several patrolmen from west suburban Northlake lost their jobs after participating in a police golf outing that featured exotic dancers acting as caddies. That was almost four years ago. Now, one of the former cops who attended the outing is suing Northlake and its police chief for allegedly smearing his reputation …Read more […..]

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Tired Days,Thought for Today

I haven’t been writing as much lately as I have been very tired. Nonnie is in town helping out and I have been getting a chance to get other things done. At the end of the day I have been very tired. Speaking of very tired, the First day that I was home with Emma was extremely tiring….. I thought that I was a doomed man after that day. I will explain more about that day soon…Do I believe in luck? I should say I do! It’s a wonderful force. I have watched the successful careers of too many lucky men to doubt its existence and its efficacy. You see some fellow reach out and grab an opportunity that the other fellows …Read more […..]

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