Chicago PD

Informant offers rare look inside Ill. gang

CHICAGO — Jesse Guajardo choked back tears on the witness stand in federal court as he abandoned his second family once and for all.He had grown up in the Latin Kings street gang, peddling drugs when he was only 8 and becoming a soldier when he was a young teenager. After an uncle recommended him for membership in 1988, he suffered a beating or “violation” by three Latin Kings to join the gang’s ranks. By 2006, at age 29, he was a chapter leader in the southwest suburbs, commanding two dozen soldiers and making his betrayal of the Latin Kings that much more stunning. He was facing life in prison in a drug case when he …Read more […..]

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What the Liberal Media Is Afraid to Print

From the media regarding the shooting where an armed 16-year-old offender pointed a weapon at police:”He was a good kid . . . he just needed a little guidance,” Arnold said. “He fell behind the wrong crowd and he just did some wrong things. But we all make mistakes, and he didn’t deserve for the Chicago police to take his life. He didn’t deserve it . . . he was just a regular kid.”Arnold drove to the scene of the shooting on Saturday to see it for himself.Although police said they found a gun nearby, Arnold said [Martinez] Winford was not known to carry a weapon.From one of our readers, we get this: Just was on the suntimes …Read more […..]

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Chicago cop in Iowa prison while drunk is on the loose

John Kass August 3, 2008 Chicago Police Supt. Jody Weis and Cook County State’s Atty. Dick Devine have asked Iowa Gov. Chet Culver for justice in the case of Chicago cop Mike Mette.”It just seems that it’s a miscarriage of justice,” Weis told me late last week after writing a letter to Culver. “I just want the governor to take a look at the case and maybe he’ll see the same things we saw. I just don’t think justice was served. The punishment doesn’t fit the crime.”If there was a crime.It doesn’t seem that it was a crime. Not in America. Maybe in some other country, but not here. When someone attacks you, you have the right …Read more […..]

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3 Chicago police officers indicted. What do you think?

Cops accused of lying under oath about arrestsBy David Heinzmann | Tribune reporter 11:06 PM CDT, April 15, 2008 Three Chicago police officers have been indicted on multiple charges stemming from cases in which authorities accused them of lying about arrests they made, prosecutors said Tuesday.The charges have been approved against John Haleas, a Grand-Central District officer accused of falsifying information in drunken driving arrests, and Officers Michael Bernichio and Daniel Murphy, who were accused of writing up identical drug arrest reports against two men and then picking which one to charge.Haleas had previously been …Read more […..]

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Feds go after cop

CIVIL RIGHTS CASE | Beating of man in wheelchair on tape; Weis wants officer fired April 4, 2008Recommend (31) BY ERIC HERMAN Criminal Courts Reporter Federal prosecutors brought criminal charges Thursday against a Chicago Police officer in the 2005 beating of a 60-year-old man who was handcuffed and shackled to a wheelchair — an incident caught on videotape.Officer William Cozzi, 50, is charged with violating the man’s civil rights. If convicted, he could face up to 10 years in prison and a $250,000 fine.» Click to enlarge image A still frame from a security video shows Chicago Police Officer William …Read more […..]

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Did this Officer cross the line?

Check out this video and tell us what you think!

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