Police Memos

Goofy Northlake Memos

I was cleaning our office drawer when I came across a goofy memo that police chief Dennis Koletsos had sent to some newer officers–each memo marked with dots placed in different places to, presumably, identify which officer had given us(union reps) copies. lol, unreal. You be the judge as to what the memo is all about…This guy is still police chief btw… There are 2 “anonyonous” letters that were also sent to my mother who lived in the city of Northlake at the time. This place amazes me how immature and idiotic things can be…. Memos can be seen better here: http://picasaweb.google.com/vivalafranz1/NewMemos#5499763187644755106 …Read more […..]

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Goofy Police Memos

On the right hand side of the home page there is a section called Goofy Police Memos. I found an old briefcase as I was cleaning the garage and found some interesting memos from my days at Northlake PD. I have several other cases somewhere in the house and will check those for more. Submissions are welcome. If you have a goofy memo that you would like to submit you can contact me at candlken@aol.com. All correspondence will remain confidential.

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